

Some of the species found here are quite uncommon. As an aid, the relative abundances in the Nature Vancouver bird list for the Vancouver area are given.

Species Abundance (Symbols Used:
Great Blue Heron cR a=abundant
Mallard cS,aW c=common
Turkey Vulture raS,uF, caW fc=fairly common
Bald Eagle uS, fcW u=unusual
Sharp-Shinned Hawk raS, uW ra=rare
Cooper’s Hawk uR ca=casual
Merlin caS,uW acc=accidental
Peregrine Falcon raS, uW R=resident
Barred Owl raR W=Winter
Black Swift fcS Sp=Spring
Anna’s Hummingbird raS, uW S=Summer
Rufous Hummingbird fcS, cSp F=Fall
Belted Kingfisher uR T=Transient Sp & F)
Red-breasted Sapsucker uR
Downy Woodpecker fcR
Hairy Woodpecker uR
Northern Flicker fcR
Pileated Woodpecker uR
Olive-sided Flycatcher fcS
Pacific-Slope Flycatcher uS, fcT
Willow Flycatcher fcS
Hammond’s Flycatcher fcS
Tree Swallow cS, caW
Violet-Green Swallow cS, aSp
Barn Swallow aS, caW
Steller’s Jay fcR
Northwestern Crow aR
Common Raven fcR
Black-capped Chickadee aR
Chestnut-backed Chickadee aR
Bushtit cR
Red-breasted Nuthatch uR
Brown Creeper uR
Bewick’s Wren cR
Winter Wren cR
Golden-crowned Kinglet aR
Ruby-crowned Kinglet raS, cT, fcW
Swainson’s Thrush aS,caW
Hermit Thrush fcS,raW
American Robin aS,cW
Varied Thrush fcS,cW
Cedar Waxwing cS, uW
European Starling aR
Hutton’s Vireo uR
Cassin’s Vireo fcs
Warbling Vireo fcS
Chestnut-sided Warbler acc
Orange-crowned Warbler cS, caW
Yellow Warbler cS
Yellow-rumped Warbler uS, aT, uW